Friday, August 8, 2008

Irish Festival in Fort Collins, Colorado

Fort Collins, Colorado had their first annual Irish festival this past weekend, August 2 and 3, and we were there dancing and playing music. I played for the Maroon Bells Morris and will probably play for Breathless Border Morris in the future, once I get the tunes memorized. The weather was hot - 100 F, and I was miserable in the heat. But the dances went pretty well and we were asked to come back next year. Both teams are recruiting new members, so if you are interested in joining, let me know and I'll pass your name onto our Squire.


  1. I'm really surprised at this - I've always associated Morris Men with England and an Anglo-Saxon heritage. Have I been missing something?

  2. No, you're not missing anything. There aren't any English festivals in Colorado, but there's lots of Irish and Scottish ones, so we go where we can get the gigs. These are the same festivals that have Daughters of the British Empire, British car shows, etc.
