Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Love Your Blog Award

Last week I received an award for my blog from Groovey Crafts. Thank you so much - I'm very flattered! Groovey Crafts has a great blog that is on my regular reading list. I'd pass the award on to her, but since she's already been awarded, I will now award seven other great blogs. Here are the rules:

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog;

2. Link the person you received your award from;

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs;

4. Put links of those blogs on yours; and

5. Leave a message on the blogs that you’ve nominate

The first is DZFANTASY - great features on other Etsy shops, giveaways, and how-tos on things like doll hair, etc.

Next is The Funky Felter with great descriptions of her processes on felting and other very useful information for people in the arts and craft business.

Then Sand Fibers with her gorgeous eye candy, Wednesday Treasury collections and descriptions of her work.

WaterRose with her beautiful pictures of her hand crafted obsessions.

Victor the Vampire Kitty - I like reading about Victor's escapades.

Beaded Tail Who talks about her kitties and her beaded jewelry.

Finally, Gem Compendium which is very educational site about gem identification, with great pictures.

It turns out I was also awarded this blog award by Beaded Tail too. Thanks!


  1. How exciting! Thank you and I will blog about it in the coming week!

  2. ohh concatulations!! It makes us feel nice inside to thinks that peoples like the stuff we do :)

    And thank you so much for passing it on to me, I doez have to share it with Momma though coz she helps me write it ;)

  3. Thank you! I'm honored ;) I'll try to pass it on next week!

  4. Thank you so much for the award! I certainly appreciate it and you absolutely deserved receiving it too!

  5. Thanks for the award!! I will try to pass it on before I leave for vacation the end of the month! You would have been one of the blogs I would have awarded it to...but, since you already have it..! lol!!

    By the way...Great idea for the Laurel Burch pot holders! Love her fabrics.

  6. Thank you! I'm honored and so glad that you find my blog informative and interesting :O) I'll do my best to get my own "I Love Your Blog Award" post up in the next couple of weeks. And, now I need to browse through your list of blogs. Thanks again!!
