Monday, October 13, 2008

Tag, You're It!

Sandfibers and Glitzy Gallery Gal tagged me. The rules are I link back to the tagger(s), share seven random or weird facts about myself, post these rules and then tag seven others.

Here's the facts:

1. I have over 420 roses in my gardens. It seemed like a good idea at the time when I was only in my twenties.

2. I play piano, dulcimer, banjo, guitar, penny whistle, and accordion. Harp is next on the list to learn.

3. I've been married 26 years.

4. I met my husband when we were both 14, but we didn't get married until we were 23.

5. I am a first generation American.

6. I craved broccoli when pregnant.

7. I have 4 very old little hens. They are 13 this year.

I'm tagging:
Beaded Tail
Thyme 2 Dream
Rose Thistle Artworks
Groovey Crafts
Purr Prints


  1. Wow. What cool facts about yourself :D Thank you for sharing. I don't play a single instrument, something I have always regretted. All those roses must be spectacular, and spectacularly labor-intensive.

  2. Wow - that's a lot of roses! I love roses but I'd have no clue how to grow them!

  3. Wow, those are very interesting facts about you and how sweet that you met your husband at such a young age and have a very strong friendship today :D.

  4. I've just filled mine out too and it was so hard.

  5. woah 420 Roses! That is a LOT of work, but I am sure is worth it :)
