Thursday, January 8, 2009

Waiting for Spring!

The seed catalogs are coming, and along with the occasional nice day outside, I'm getting anxious for spring. I've been placing plenty of online orders already and here's what I've ordered so far:
Morning Glory 'Xiong's Chinese', Amaranth 'Dreadlocks', Cosmos 'Rubenza', Delphinium 'Purple Passion', Morning Glory 'Scarlett O'Hara, Poppy 'Lauren's Grape', Rudbeckia 'Cherry Brandy', Sweet Pea 'Incense Mix', Poppy 'Danish Flag', Poppy 'Heirloom', Poppy 'Imperial Pink' (see picture below), Purple Bell Vine, Salvia - Gentian Sage, Sweet Pea 'Cupani's Original', Sweet Pea 'Mollie Rilestone', Tobacco - 'Jasmine', Butterfly Pea, Aster chinensis Moonshine Mixed, Clematis integrifolia seeds, morning glories Candy Pink, Cameo Elegance and Heavenly Blue (see above), salvia horminium Claryssa, sweet peas Zorija Rose, Wiltshire Ripple, Elegant Ladies, Scarlet Fire Celosia (see below), Black Peony Poppy, White Peshwar Poppy, Texas Hummingbird Sage, Tiger's Eye Mix Sunflower, Bolivian Rainbow Chile Pepper, tomatoes Sungold, Sweet 100, Amish paste, Better Boy, peppers Marconi, Gypsy, lots of beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts, corn and giant pumpkins.
I also need to start my geranium cuttings and get the plant stand ready for seed starts and cuttings.


  1. I wish I had the patience to germinate seeds, the choice is amazing and.. well I am just a whole lot jealous! :)

  2. These all sound beautiful! My seed catalogs are in a big pile and I haven't had time to look them yet, but this post has reminded me to do it. (I did do geranium cuttings though.)

  3. Those are so pretty! Somehow I didn't get the green thumb in the genetic pool though...*sigh*

  4. Oh! I just love seed catalogs and planning the garden in the dead of winter! It just seems to warm things up!

  5. You are so ahead of the game...can you come help me with my garden? Please? Pretty photos!

  6. Beautiful flowers.
    Please visit my blog, I just gave you an award. Enjoy:}
