Saturday, February 21, 2009

The English Stash

My spouse went to England in late January for a business trip, and since I couldn't go too, I sent him on a mission to hunt down and bring back some fun stuff. What you see above is what he brought back: Maltezers (you need to see the YouTube commercials for these), Jelly Babies (just like on Doctor Who), Fruit Sherberts (a very intense hard candy with a soft center), Mystery Sweets, milk and dark chocolate covered Digestives (very very good!), some stuffed animals from Harrods, and assorted candies we still haven't tried yet.
While he was there, my spouse hooked up with the local Morris side, the Chippenham Town Morris Men. He even danced with them (he's the one in the vivid blue sweater that stands out like a beacon): Vandals of Hammerwich by The Chippenham Morris Men. There are slight, but noticable style differences between how our American side does it and how the Chippenham side does it.


  1. I lived in England for 2 years, and I had to send this post to my daughter that LOVES the sherbert ones. I do remember all these though.

  2. junk food here is great (most of it at least), love fruit sherberts but can't stand Jelly Babies. Chocolate just tastes better to me here. There are a few that I do miss from living in canada, but when we go back we stock up lol

  3. Those all look VERY tasty, but I like the cat!

  4. McVittie's Digestive Biscuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. That dance looks quite exhausting to me, they must be all quite fit. We see very few Morris dancers here now, I'm sure it used to be more popular.
    Liz (UK)

  6. Jelly Babies!!!!!!!!!!! I was totally in heaven when I discovered my local grocery store carried these (been a Dr Who fan for years), unfortunately they haven't had them for several months. Galaxy bars are good too, Jennifer Rose has a point--there's something about real English chocolate that's just better than what we get here in the US. I know a couple ladies who grew up in England, they specifically talked about Mars Bars. One of them said she won't touch the US version because the UK version is so much better, she actually has a UK friend of hers send her English chocolates every month so she has a constant supply of them!

  7. I haven't tried any of these but they sound great. I went back over some older posts. How interesting about the spotted rose.

    Is the red tabby your 20 pounder. He looks like a big guy. My Toby is only about 15 pounds.

    I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a message. Now that I've found you I will be back to read more about your roses and cats.
