Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blizzarding in Denver

Right at this moment, Denver is getting dumped on. It looks like there's at least 10 inches on top of the trash can lid and it's still coming down hard.

We haven't seen hardly any precipitation in such a long time that this is actually needed. We are having the driest winter on record. I just hope this isn't a another barn roof breaking blizzard like we had a few years go.


  1. Yikes! I hope it's not barn-breaking too. The moisture is good though. We're having lots of rain here - also much needed after last year's drought.

  2. I just got a call from our daughter who lives in Denver and they have been told to go home from work because of the snow! Hope it doesn't get too bad and gives you the needed water!

  3. o.0 that is a lot of snow! I hope it doesn't break the barn roof either! stay warm!

  4. Yipes, 2 years in a row our neighbor/friend had the snow destroy his fabric gazebo roof (and bend the gazebo supports), this winter he smartened up and took the fabric off for the winter. We have had unusual amounts of snow for the Seattle area this winter.

  5. ugh, so over snow...sorry you guys got dumped on.

  6. Sounds like a good day to stay inside. I love the shot of your yard though!

  7. Wow, that's a lot of snow! Hope it doesn't do any damage.

    Glad you liked Stephen Fry's photos. Can't wait for his tv programme(s)! :) xxx

  8. Yikes-I just heard on the news Denver got 17". Totally incredible, I hope you are safe and not broken!

  9. And just like that it's all gone! My Garden needed the moisture tho! We love the Mile-high city!

  10. Wow! It sounds like it must be such a pain in the behind but wow it looks so pretty! :)

  11. Looks like the same storm that we had! We got 11 inches!
