I have one heck of a flowery fabric stash, so I made up this little jewelry bag to put some of my overwhelming jewelry stash in. I think I'll try and put some of these in the
TabbyToo shop and see if anyone would like one. It has eight little pockets in it to keep things separate.

I've also been dyeing my own lucite flower beads, after purchasing some that I wasn't too please with. Since I've been dyeing fabric and fiber for decades, and have a fantastic collection of good dyes, I thought I'd try dyeing lucite.
I ended up with nice, smoothly dyed beads that the color stays fast on even when washed in hot water. Here' some earrings that have a violet color I'm particularly fond of. These will end up in the shop too.

These deep red ones were dyed by me and are already in the shop. I've got some gorgeous burgundies, lavenders, blues, pinks, peach, rusts, mauves and grays to make up into jewelry. It's lots of fun.