I have quite a few gardens in my Arvada, Colorado yard and way in the back of the yard is a small garden of sedums. This garden rarely gets any water other than what comes naturally from the sky, although I will occasionally bring a watering can of water back there if I think about it. That occurs once a month, maybe.
It's been interesting to see how different sedums grow in this garden compared to how they grow in the gardens that get regular water from the drip system. Here is Sedum Autumn Joy in a well watered garden compared to sedum Maestro out back. The well watered sedum is much lusher and has much larger flower heads. The leaves on the sedums out back are often a bit limp, especially after several weeks of no rain.


Here are the other sedums I have out back where the water is scarce:

Autumn Joy



Maestro (again


Purple Emperor

Red Cauli
