Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Eric Finds a Box


Carol Dean Sharpe said...

How could one not love that face! ;O

Naija said...

aawww so cute cats loves to play with boxes lol

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Adorable! They can get into so much mischief..20 pounds worth!

Dana Marie said...

Awww too cute and I have say he wears his 20 pounds well. ;)

Thanks for stopping by my group blog....come back anytime and if you'd like to join in, just let me know!

Have a beautiful day!

~ Dana Marie

Jennifer Rose said...

aww :D

going to take a lot of stamps to mail that box :p

FairiesNest said...

Aww, what a cutie! Mine love a box too...or an empty basket...I have a picture somewhere of one overflowing an empty flowerpot!

Mishkat said...

I love that face! Really adorable.

renovia said...

he looks a little pudgy in that box, he must find a thinning box! Cats should never have their photos taken in 'large' boxes :)

Marni said...

What is it with cats-in-the-box? I have an all orange tabby, too. His name is Tigger (that's original, I know). He's around 11 years old now. Somehow, he always manages to find even the littlest box to sit in! LOL! Mine was getting fat and started developing diabetes, so we had to put him on a he's healthy again!