September is a great time for color in the garden. The dahlias, hardy hibiscus and morning glories are at their peak. The above is one of my dahlias, as are the next two flowers. Once we get a freeze, I'll need to dig up the tubers and store them in the garage until next spring.

Here's one of the garden residents:

I still have some glorious poppies:

The celosia, Gentian sage, sunflowers and sweet peas are vivid annuals that are at their best right now. I'm amazed how well the sweet peas have lasted this year - it was a cooler summer than usual. The vivid pink Japanese and blue Heavenly Blue morning glories are also gorgeous as well as the bluish purple morning glories that have been reseeding for years.

The hardy hibiscus don't even start blooming until almost September. The flowers are huge and have to be seen to be believed. They are perennial, but don't poke out of the ground until the beginning of June.

And finally, the roses are in the peak of their last flush of the year. These are some of my repeat blooming old garden roses.