This morning I thought I'd share a picture or two of Eric, the ten pound tabby, doing what he does so well - snoozing in a box. If there's a box around, Eric will sleep in it. Sometimes he doesn't fit so well in it, but he always tries.

The characters are all Japanese, in very detailed costumes made mostly of silk. Their heads are paper mache (no molds were used to create them), wooden hands, bunraku-style. The other missing characters are: Issun (Little One Inch Boy)- two versions- one, about 20" tall in a blue shirt and green pants, and the other about 30" tall in a light blue shirt and gold and while pants. There's also the Daimyo's messenger, Grandma, Grandpa, and a Kappa (a strange Japanese mythical creature who has the shell of a turtle, arms and legs like a frog and the beak of a bird). If anyone sees these (or has seen these) anywhere, please let me know! I figure these days, with the internet, they could appear anywhere. Not sure when the van was robbed, it was parked since the end of June. Interestingly, they left several characters and even the sound and light equipment.
A handwoven rayon scarf with a unique twill pattern. This is what happens when a "pattern person" gets carried away. This scarf is woven using a progressing twill pattern on a purple and turquoise hand-dyed warp with a black weft. The result: an eye catching scarf with a wonderfully soft hand. It measures 7 1/2 inches wide by 45 inches long with an additional 3 inch twisted fringe.